Saturday, November 30, 2013

 tainted was my state of being

you did not only break my heart
you simply broke me
wanting to peel off the flakes of skin
where your fingerprints used to ran all over,
I was certain to find no more traces
but remnants of you seemed never-ending
as I dig deeper through the cracks you’ve made,
there you go seeping through my pores
a parasite crawling all over
draining all my body fluids
only time and time again
will allow me to regenerate
into the new being now immuned,
to the unbearable inevitability


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It wasn’t supposed to be a pity party but we made a mardi gras out of the emotional wreckage that was inside her. who was to blame? she’d rather feel her heart banging against her chest than to feel hollowness, emptiness, and nothing at all. 

-M, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

 I gave a disdainful sigh as you once again rummage through my thoughts. How do you do that? I dubiously wonder.

Little do I know, I was painstakingly allowing every little deceiving piece of you to stroke, my weary soul. Just one night I tell myself giggling through the tickles that reach down my spine. Just one night, a whisper in the dim corner.

Awakened, I sit bolt upright with strands of hair plastered on my sweaty forehead. Guess I’ve been playing with the devil again last night.

- m, 2013