Tuesday, October 21, 2014

 minimum wage

rejected dreams

 trapped in a shoebox

filled with desires too high

unable to put food on the table

months to go before 23,

is it to late to be who she wants to be?

- M

Monday, August 18, 2014

 The squinting luster,

 of his fancy Rolex,

 A constant, slapping reminder, 

Of how she was never granted, 

A fraction of his second.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

 even the heap of cigarette smoke

 from midnight coffees, cocktails with peers cannot destroy me any longer. I am destroyed. there’s nothing but hollowness where a caged wild heart was once beating there is no other way but to exhale poison chunks out of the system. I am destroyed like cigarette butts stepped on like ashes carried away by the wind

-moe 12:38AM | Ph

Thursday, April 24, 2014

 minimum wage

 rejected dreams trapped in a shoebox filled with desires too high unable to put food on the table

months to go before 23, is it too late to be who she wants to be?

- M, 2014