Sunday, October 2, 2016


I just wanna start by saying, you wouldn't believe what we all went through this mass hiring! HAHA. Six hours under the scorching heat with just an umbrella and a fan to keep us cool. I still cannot believe how I managed to be sane. I guess you'll do everything to chase that dream yeah?

A tip for Air Asia walk-ins/interviews: Come in bringing your real bubbly personality! It's the time for the bibbo in you to shine. Be in curls, flat ironed, or bunned hair, they wouldn't mind. This was my look then:

Opted for big curls

So I'll just keep this short. We were given application forms with corresponding numbers and when our number was called we had to go through the usual height and weight measurement. Take note that Air Asia is strict and measures both using the BMI chart. So if you are overweight/underweight you can no longer proceed to the next stage (see below for a simpler BMI chart)

BMI chart provided by IPAMS
I was only able to make it to the Final Interview. Apparenty, it doesn't end there. There will be a talent portion where you are asked to sing and dance. Don't fret too much on this stage. You're gonna do fine even if you can't do both. They just want to see your confidence so give it all you got and don't mind the embarrassment. I'm pretty sure your recruiters have been through the same.

On the next stage, you'll be asked to read an in-flight passenger announcement. Wasn't fortunate enough to get to this stage but here's a link of in-flight announcements you can practice on: Sample in-flight announcements

There! I'm just really glad the day is over. I don't mind being in a long queue  for hours but the heat just wasn't healthy at all. If I were you, it's better to walk in on regular days and not on a mass hiring. It's just too much to take. :)

Update A: You may now send in your CVs and wait for  them to give you a call for a scheduled screening/interview because they do not allow walk-ins any longer. Email your CV at or

Update B. I've been told that they made a few changes to the hiring process I've discussed above. The candidate was asked to do the pageant-like turning, a pivot turn if I'm not mistaken and done. You either make it to the next stage or go home. :) Correct me if I'm wrong guys. My comment box is open. Thank you.