Sunday, September 23, 2012


An Open Letter To Anyone Hurting

Pain. It will certainly change you. It will instinctively bring out the evil in you. It will turn your heart into a vengeful machine. Everything will conspire for you to indulge in evildoing. I’m saying this because I’m feeling and battling with it every day. The hate, anger depression. It will always be there. But I learned that after some time, you have to tell yourself it’s all just in the mind. I know you’ve been through it all and I know how you dealt with it. I learned it all from you.

You still have a say in what you will become before it’s too late. I’ve fought hard the demons in my head telling me to get even. But seeking revenge isn’t justice at all. It was never me to hold grudges. It was never me to speak ill unto others. I am self-proclaiming to be the embodiment of forgiveness because that’s what I always do to people. I forgive people swiftly even before they realize their mistakes. I am too soft-hearted and I sometimes wish I wasn’t.

But this is different. It has tested me in many ways and left me wondering for days who I really am and how will I act upon everything that life has bombarded me with. Sorry if I ever said anything that hurt.

After days of unwanted sullenness, I declined bitterness. With the heaviest heart yet, I’m still choosing to be the better person. I still pray to wake up one day without any anger in my heart anymore. Without a pinch in my heart when I see things that would remind me of you. Because in the end, you will never know how thankful I am for this pain. It has humbled me. It has made me stronger. It has made me see things in a better perspective. It has made me love my life, friends, family, and myself better. It has gotten me closer to God.

Thank you.

P.S. Stay passionate.

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