Saturday, April 30, 2016


Flynas, according to wikipedia, is a domestic and international low-cost airline based in Saudi Arabia, the country's first and only budget airline. Recently, Skills, a recruitment agency along the streets of Mabini held a three-day open day for the airlines. Hundreds came rushing in their best look vying for the position and probably even trying their best not to look irritated in the scorching heat outside the building. My goodness, I tell you this was torture.

First, applicants were to key in their attendance in Skills and once your name was called, you will be ushered to New World Hotel which was about a block away from the agency.

Here are the processes we went through. Unfortunately, I only made it through the 3rd and last stage before the final interview but hang on, I was still able to get updates from my co-applicants who were able to finish all stages. So here goes:

Stage 1: Group Dynamics
  • This is an exercise given to candidates for the recruiters, usually a common flight scenario, to see the decision-making process and teamwork skills an applicant has. In this type of exercise, the result is not important so it's best if you do not look at the recruiters as if you are looking for the validation for your answers. 
  • Be nice to your group mates
  • Always smile.
  • Learn how to disagree respectfully.
  • Offer to keep track of the time and remind them if you have at least two minutes left on the clock.
  • Always make sure you give a suggestion but do not overpower your group mates. You may come off as dominating.
  • For more tips, you make check out 
Stage 2: Basic English Test
  • The Flynas basic English test provided was more of  a tricky reading comprehension test but still an easy one. ;)
Stage 3: Height, Weight, and Grooming check
  • Now this is the crucial part because the client will be very meticulous with your teeth, skin, and grooming so it's best if you use a strong spray net to hold all those stubborn baby hair in place. 
  • Make sure you had your nails done (any color).
  • Do all your stretching because we know how inconsistent height measuring is in different agencies. I used to be 160 point something in IPAMS then I was only 159cm here. I don't know what happened. HAHA
  • Make sure you get your pearly whites perfect. I'm pretty sure my teeth failed me again. I had a wide tooth gap in front and my teeth are really yellow from that 6 year braces I had. Oh well. I really think it's time to fix it. 
Stage 4: Final Interview
  • Panel interview consisting of 5 applicants and  2 interviewers
  • Most of my co-applicants were only asked two questions:
    • Tell me about yourself
    • What's the biggest challenge in moving to Saudi Arabia?
After all these stages, successful applicants will be asked to wait until two weeks for further pre-employment requirements such as passport photocopy and medical results.

For questions and tips, you may leave a comment below and I will get to you as soon as I can! :)

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