Saturday, April 30, 2016


It was the morning of April 13, 2016 when I received a message from the HR department of PAL asking if she could call me. Upon reading it, I sat bolt upright with strands of hair still plastered on my sweaty forehead because yes, we all know how hot the weather could be at this time of the year. 
Long story short, I was invited for an impact interview. Wow! Never in a million years did I envision myself ever trying out for PAL to be honest. (See below for original text): 
Good day! This is Ms. Trish from Philippine Airlines. We would like to invite you for an impact interview for Cabin Crew position. Here are the details: 
When: Apr 19, 2016 (tues) at 1pm 
Where: 2/F Talent Acquisition Division PNB Financial Bldg. Macapagal Ave., Pasay City 
What to bring: valid ID, 2x2 pic, 4r pic (1 close up and 1 whole body formal), pen, updated copy of your resume, and photocopy of TOR & SSS. (if avail) 
Attire: Male: white long sleeves polo with dark blue necktie, black slacks and leather shoes. Female- black skirt and blazer with white shorts sleeves polo inside, no colored or printed underwear, skin-toned stockings, high-heeled closed-toe shoes, make-up and tie your hair in a bun. 
Look for Ms.Sarah Santiago Thank you!

Upon entering PNB financial centre (this is just in front of MOA-SMDC) you’ll be asked to wait until the designated time of interview. Mine was at 1pm. 

We passed all the requirements and in a few minutes, the panel came and we were asked to introduce ourselves. This is a, Tell Me ALL About Yourself part where you are asked to speak in front of all your co-applicants as well, and will be the only part of the impact interview. My knees were wobbling, my palms were sweaty and I was stuttering as I tried to start a conversation with my co-applicant beside me. 

Instructions were to speak for a good 3-5minutes but honestly most of us didn’t even reach that long and it’s fine as long as your introduction is substantial and contains a lot of good points where you were able to sell yourself well. 

After your introduction, you will be asked to step forward at least 5 steps toward the panellists who are located behind all the applicants, show your teeth, skin and done. 

After all applicants have given their introduction and were scrutinized physically by the panel, this is when they’re about to announce who made it or not. Let’s hope it isn’t the latter. If your name was called, that means you got rejected. And yes, I was called. Upon typing this, I can even laugh about it now. A few days ago, I was really upset and even broke down in the shower. 

Quite frankly, I was baffled. I had this prepared for almost two months. My non-verbal cues, my introduction, even my make up (because if you knew me personally I don’t do my own make up). I know it can be a little disheartening but I trust that this is not my time yet. And I hope you guys won’t give up too. 

I have co-flight attendant aspirants who never bothered trying to pass their resumes in PAL because it is known to have high to really bizarre standards. But after this, I have come out more confident than ever. I’ve never pictured myself walking up the steps to PNB for a flight attendant application in PAL too but because I believe this is my calling, I braved through traffic, my anxiety and fought the demons in my head to give it a shot. We never really lose after a rejection. We gain experiences, friends, self-esteem and most importantly, the belief in yourself. 

I hope I was able to help out! For questions and tips, you may leave comment below.

P.S. For PAL applications, you may email an updated resume and your whole body picture to


  1. Hi! I would like to ask are they super strict with the weight? My height is 5'6 as I checked my BMI or whether my weight was proportionate to my height I was not overweight. 5'6 and I am 62 kilos. I also have a few dark spots on my face which worries me. It does cover up with make up but I'm really insecure about it. I would appreciate your help! Thank you! :)

    1. Hello Star! Your weight shouldn't be a problem then. But take note, PAL does not provide conditional status anymore. So make sure your blemishes are all evenly convered up so there will be no trace of it during your interview. How about paying a visit to your derma first. Don't worry about your weight anymore. Focus on acing that introduction! You can do it! :)

    2. Hi. What do you mean they're not providing conditional status anymore? Can you explain further? :)

    3. Hi. What do you mean they're not providing conditional status anymore? Can you explain further? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes, Jessa! :) Right after passing the impact interview is when they'll check your height, weight, and for some weird reason, even the radius of your knees.

      If you can only reach up until 210cm, don't you worry. The good news is you can achieve 212cm with a lot more practice and stretching. There are also yoga poses that will aid in full body stretching.

      Good luck! 😀

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Maricar! Introduction or the "Tell Me About Yourself" part only takes a maximum of 3 minutes based on my experience so make good use of that time. :)))

  4. I applied for PAL also! Here's my experince tho :) We can ll do this, I believe!

    1. Hi! Yes, anon! I've met so many candidates who've tried more than 10times. They inspire me! :) Nice blog btw. You're a fresh grad you still have a long way to go. :)

  5. hi! what is their required height?

    1. Hello there! Height should be at least 5'2" for females and 5'6" for males. :)

  6. Hi! I am a male applicant for cabin crew as well, and my impact interview is scheduled next week. All these years I thought my height is 5'6", but when I checked my height recently it's only 5'5.5" :( Also, I gained weight lately. Should I just withdraw my application? Would appreciate your opinion/advice. Thanks!

    1. Oh shocks i think im too late! How was your inpact interview?:)

  7. Hi Ms. Gelai,

    I'm currently working abroad and would like to apply as PAL Cabin crew, I submitted my application online last year but I don't receive any response. I just turned 27 that time. I waited for their call or any email even rejection letter but it didn't happen. from time to time I always checked the status of my application and the result was "new application". I turn 28 this year and ended my hope to be part of the company. Out of curiosity I checked the website again and found out that the age requirements had changed to 18 above. Im planning to go back to manila this decemeber to try my luck for walk ins, however I only have limited time to stay because I use my annual leave left this year (max of one week). I have 6 years experience in Hospitality industry and manage to coverse in mandarin. May I asked any suggestions or advice before I made a decision to book a ticket. thank you

    1. Hello there! I suggest you pass your resume via email and not on their website. That's what I did too. Then I waited for a week and a call finally came. I heard kasi they don't accept walk-ins any longer.

      And while you're on vacation here I suggest to walk in on other airlines since they're all located in Pasay like CebuPac, Air Asia, and PAL Express. You can do it all in one day to save your time and effort and oh, also your make up and outfit. :)

      Six years in hospitality mngt and able to speak in Mandarin already gives you the edge among other candidates.

      Go for it! Please do! I'm rooting for you! :))

    2. Hello Ms Moe, ano po ung email nila? Thank you po :)

    3. Hi there! Here you go! :)

      Best of luck! :)

  8. Hi maam can u give me some tips because im not preapared enough i apply accidentally because i have a patient and he is a cabin crew manager amf he just saw me and he gave me his calling card and invited me to apply and i try my scheduled interview is on dec 14,2016 but i have a scars on my arms what should i do?

    1. Oh my goodness! I thought I replied to this message already! How was your impact interview? I hope it went well.

  9. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

  10. Hi Moe! May i ask if there's another interview on the same day after you passed the impact? Ty!

    1. Hi Johan! You know, I wish I passed but I didn't hehe. Normally, there are two impact interviews. One in the morning and the other in the afternoon. :)

  11. Hi! Do you really need to have experience to be qualified? I only have 4 months experience working in the bank. And also, I have one tooth that is denture. but it is not visible since nasa left side siya and nakatago talaga even when I smile hindi siya kita. Thank you!! :)

    1. Hi there! Even fresh graduates may apply as long as they meet the qualifications. You should go for it! As long as di kita kung ano man yan, you'll do fine! Good luck! :)

  12. Hi Moe, I am planning to re-apply again this year. Question: did they give you a call first before they sent you an invitation for impact interview via text message? Last year, I got a call from PAL they ask me about my height and I told them I stand 5'2" but they told me that aspiring female applicant should be at least 5'3" I'm so frustrated because I really want to become a flight attendant.

    1. Yes, I got a call first before a follow up text, and an email (invitation). Hell, just go for it! I'm not even 5'3" to be honest! No one's stopping us. HAHA! Best of luck! :)

  13. Hi Moe. I applied for PAL last July but my fate was unfortunate. I plan to apply again but I was wondering if they allow applicants with tattoos? And do you mind if I ask what do you use in your hair to make it flat and coif? Thanks.

    1. Good morning, Ira. Go on apply again! You can try other airlines too! As long as the tattoos aren't visible while wearing their uniform (and during the interview) you're good. I have tattoos too. For my hair, it's just spray net. :)

  14. Hi Moe, should I wear stockings or pantyhose sa interview?

  15. hi moe ur blog is really helpful..i just want to ask if its ok to apply if i have crown on my front teeth and i have some pimple marks on my face..i meet all the requirements except for the two things that i mentioned..pls give me some tips..thank u and god bless!

    1. Both are okay, Kai! If those marks are concealed properly, there should be no problem. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck! :)

  16. thank you so much really really gave ne strength to apply honestly..i am confident now..god bless!

    1. I hope you could share your experience as well!

  17. Hi Moe!

    I had my first impact interview summer of last year but I fialed. I really want to be a cabin crew. Out of 20 applicant on my batch. 1 only passed the impact. And she is an ex-candidate of Mutya ng Pilipinas. Can you give us a tip on the impact. If what should we tell to the interviewer and also pwede bang mag-conceal on face even male? since I have a pimple marks on my cheek side. Naiinspire kasi ako sa 2 of my friends who are already a PAL cabin crew.

  18. Hi Moe! what are your tips in male applicant? Should i cover my blemishes in impact interview?

  19. Hello there, I've been planning to send my CV at the designated email but I do have a lot of questions,1.Are muuslims allowed to join? 2. I have an a problem on my right eye, would that be a problem as well. 3. If they need a TOR, I am an undergraduate and I didnt atleast finished my 2 years in college. Any advice. Thank You

    1. Hi there! I believe I've already responded via email right? I hope you've received it. :)

  20. Hi Moe. If i have a good set of upper and lower front teeth but i have no lower molars. Will that cause my application to fail?

    1. Good evening! I believe molars wouldn't be a problem. For some weird reason, some airlines require applicants to have it extracted. :)

    2. Wow thank you for your response Moe! much appreciated! as a follow-up to that, once you got accepted into the airline. is it a sure employment already. like, do all of the passers make it to the training graduation? another thing, is it true that they have a swimming training of jumping into 12ft-deep pool? (do you have to be a good swimmer to make it?)
      lastly, if there's an open day recruitment. will they accomplish the hiring process all on the same day? like a one day hiring process only?

    3. Hahaha omg there's a lot of questions. Wait... I hope you got to read until the end of my experience because I didn't really make it but I'd like to help. There'll be a lot of stages. For example, once you've made it to the impact interview, there'd be height, weigh, visual, or any physical check up. Once you've passed it all, there's gonna be a series of interviews again, panel and one-on-one. So you know you've passed it all already wen you've made it to the training. It's not a one-day process. My friends took months! Goodluck! :)

  21. "photocopy of TOR & SSS. (if avail)"

    is the TOR optional too or just the SSS? thanks

  22. hi miss, Moe. i lost mi second molar tooth, just one tooth.. is it possible to be okay when i apply?

    1. When is your impact interview? I believe losing a molar takes at least a week for recovery. So do not pass an application just yet. :)

  23. Hi! How about tattoos? Do they reject applicants with tattoos even if its hidden while wearing normal clothes

    1. Tattoos are fine as long as it's hidden in their uniform! Good luck! :)

  24. Hi Ms. Moe, are stockings still allowed to wear po during the impact interview? and do they still accept walk in applicants? Thank you in advance :)

    1. Yes, do wear stockings. :)
      They used to accept walk-ins before I applied. Much better to pass a CV online first. They will call within a week! :)

    2. Thank you so much Ms. Moe :3 <3 and will I stand a chance even though I don't have a good set of teeth (I'm missing one tooth at the upper back so it's not visible and my lower teeth are not aligned) and where can I send my CV? I don't think they reply on their website. Thank you so so much for the replies. More power po sa inyo <3 :)

    3. Everyone has a chance dear. There are lots of airlines. Just keep trying. When you smile naturally, does it show your lower teeth? If not, it's fine. Btw, there's an email address at the bottom of my PAL impact interview post. You may send your CV there. :)

    4. Thank you so much Ms. Moe for the encouragement :) and no, it is not po, fortunately. Thank you and God bless :)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi ms. moe, i just want to ask if the process pal at pnb and pal express at nichols are just the same or different?
    i walked in earlier to pal express at nichols but they didn't allow me to get inside because im just wearing a semi formal, i am not aware that applicant should wear corporate attire because it was my first time but told me to just go back by tuesday,,
    i also wanted to know if they also checking your legs if there's a scar o just the arm part?

    1. Hello Sai! I'm afraid I cannot help you with this because I haven't tried walking in for PAL express. Yes, you should be in corporate attire. Sayang,but at least they conduct interviews every Tuesday.

      They check both your arms and legs. You will be asked to remove your stockings so make sure your scars are concealed.

  27. Hello! Are they strict with the height requirements? Kasi I only stand 5'2 :(

    1. Girrrrrl! That shouldn't stop you. Do yoga or stretchings! Google stretching exercises that'll help you get taller. It works! :)

    2. Thanks for the tip huhu!!

  28. Hi! Have you tried applying again for PAL or other airlines?

    1. Other airlines, yes. For PAL? Hmmmm I would love to give another shot! :)

    2. What happened with your other applications? :)

  29. Hi Ms Moe, yung pag check po ba ng scar sa legs ay during impact interview din po? at if ever po, kakailanganin ko po kaya i wax yung legs ko kasi medyo hairy pero di naman po yung masawang hairy

  30. Hi! Mahirap po ba yung integrity test? Like may time limit pa din? Im so scareeedddd final step na po kasi hahahahaha

    1. Hi! Time-pressured din yung integrity test. Hindi naman mahirap. Just be honest lang.

      When did you have your impact interview nga pala?

  31. Hi Ms. Moe, do they check the knees if there are scars on it? Also, are moles on the face should be a worry too esp when theyre too visible? Thankyou in advance!

    1. Yes they check the knees so conceal your scars po. :) What kind of moles are we talking about? :)

  32. Hi Ms. Moe, do they check the knees if there are scars on it? Also, are moles on the face should be a worry too esp when theyre too visible? Thankyou in advance!

  33. Ms. Moe i have a birthmark in my left arm ok lng b un?

    1. Nako! Super okay basta conceal it on the day of the impact interview! I highly recommend dermacol but you may test other concealers. I'm not into make up so I can't really help you on that department. Sorry but good luck! :)

  34. i have 10 pimples for now and 3 days after ill get to have an impact interview. should i pursue it? :(

  35. omggggg thank you so much. really i appreciated it :)

  36. Oh dear!! I had pimples on my impact interview as well! Dont you worry you just have to conceal it. If it is too red i guess you could use toothpaste for the mean time. Im sorry im not well equipped with healing a pimple as i was using a really good concealer then. Goodluck!
